Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Shopping


I had one of the BEST days I have had in a long time!!!!!

I picked up my friend, Debbie Thompson, at about 4:15 this morning. We headed to Wal-Mart in Pittsburg. It was funny, because there wasn't anything I couldn't live without if I didn't get it, but I still love the excitement of going so I drug myself out of bed. Of course Wal-Mart was the usual push shove atmosphere, but it was more fun this year, because I could step back and laugh at people who were running around with their "mean on." LOL I even got myself some new towels! (With a family of 6, towels are important!)

We then hit a few other places in Pittsburg and decided it was time to head to Joplin. We headed straight to Wal-Mart there and found some more stuff and different sizes of things that Pittsburg Wal-Mart had run out of. We went to several different places, and while the parking lots were full everywhere in Joplin I never felt as though there were many people and there was plenty of room to shop. (I hate it when things are so congested and crowded when you are trying to look at things. It takes the fun out of shopping.)

We ate at one of my favorites, Chic-Fil-A!!!!! I love that place.

I could not have asked for a better shopping partner than Debbie! She shops like do! Go through, find what you want, and go. We both have four children, so most of the places we went appealed to the masses! :-) Not once did I have someone pulling on me when I stopped to look at something that I wanted to look at and whining they wanted to go somewhere else, I didn't have to break up any fights, I didn't listen to any tattling, and there was no one sitting in the van because they refused to go into "that" store. I called Vic on my way home and told him it was such a wonderful day! I can honestly say that I have not had that much fun shopping since mom died, and for those of you that remember how much fun Mom and I had shopping, you know that is something quite special!

THANK YOU DEBBIE FOR A WONDERFUL DAY! (Oh, and I love your new purse!) :-)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

What a wonderful day! So many things to be thankful for!

We started off the day with a visit to see my dad and his entertaining Beagle, Buck. Buck sang for us today to Home on The Range. As I have said before I don't know what I would ever do without my dad! He surprised me by fixing brownies and deviled eggs for me to take with me to Thanksgiving dinner. THANK YOU DAD! :-)

Then, we went to Vic's grandma's house to see all of his dad's family. We were so pleasantly surprised to find Aunt Char and Uncle Gary there! We don't get to see them that often due to them living in Texas. Grandma looked wonderful and was the wonderful hostess as always, even though we know that she couldn't do it without her trusty sidekick Lou! It is always fun to get to spend time with Vic's dad's side of the family.

Finally, we went to Vic's mom's house and celebrated with her. She feeds us until we can barely stand it! Aren't moms wonderful about that! It's fun to get to be with just his two sisters and brother and their families and do some catching up. I know that Carol loves the house full too! (HaHa)

Finally, it was back off to see my dad again and bring him a plate full of Thanksgiving food!

(Then of course the girls and I looked from Parsons to Pittsburg (and I mean all over Pittsburg) looking for a Joplin paper with the Black Friday ads in it. Can I just say that we couldn't find one ANYWHERE! Oh well, my friend Debbie Thompson and I will be off at 4 in the a.m. anyway. (I've seen the ads, just wanted the Target ad to get some things comped at Wal-Mart.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Southeast Jr. High Football

Tori cheered this year for the Southeast Jr. High football team. (Southeast consists of Cherokee, Weir, and McCune combined.) Our team was AWESOME! They went undefeated! This is a picture that they had taken when the season was over to remember forever! :-) I must say that the cheerleaders were especially awesome this year too! (You can click on the picture to blow it up and see it closer, as you should be able to on all of my pictures.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pitt State Homecoming Parade


Tori and Aubrey danced in the Pittsburg State Homecoming Parade with the Jody Phillips Dance Group. The parade theme this year was "Superheros." The float played "I Need A Hero" (don't know for sure if that is the right name, but I'm sure you already can hear the song in your head). The little girls road on the float and the big girls danced in front of the float. It was really cute!
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Megan's Frowny Face

I miss Megan's frowny faces! HaHa I was going through pictures and it seems she has outgrown this stage...She was smiling in all of her recent pictures!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fun With Technology

Tori's Basketball.

The Morning Sun
Posted Nov 12, 2008 @ 12:38 AM

GIRARD — The Girard Middle School girl’s basketball team went 3-1 against Southeast on Tuesday night in middle school basketball action.
The Trojans picked up a 33-12 win in the 8A game as Jenna Schroeder, Hayden Herlocker and Hayden Bauer collected eight points apiece.
For the Lancers, Tessa Robin and Tori Colvin each added three points.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Mother-In-Law, Carol

This is Carol, one of the kindest hearted people there is on this planet. She always takes care of others and will do anything that she can to help others! I can honestly say that she is one of a kind. We all love her!

(No Carol, these are ALL good pictures and I'm not taking them off!)

My Dad

These are a few fun pictures of my dad. He is such an intersting individual with so many different interstests and talents. Without him, I would not be able to make it in life. He helps me in more ways than he will ever know! He went from being voted most popular in college to being voted best dad and granddad by the kids and me!

Oldies But Goodies

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Tori and Aubrey are both on dance competition teams for the Jody Phillips Dance Company. This is Tori's third year and Aubrey's second. They both LOVE it! The following are pictures of their groups. Aubrey is in DCI and Tori is in DCII.

I know that my opinion isn't the best one to take, but I think they are both amazing dancers, and each with their own different flare!

I thought that Aubrey received a huge compliment a few weeks ago when Jody pulled her out into the hall and told her that she had had a phone call about Aubrey. A mother wanted her daughter to be in Aubrey's dance class because Aubrey was such a good dancer and fun to watch! WOW to that one! :-) This mother couldn't have been prouder!

Tori also continues to shine and stand out. She was telling me yesterday that she is front center almost all of the time in the new dances they are learning. I am very proud of her also!

We're going to see the Nutcracker ballet with our friends the Horgans at the end of November. I am sure that the girls will love to see the professionals! (On a side note, Tori was in the professional version of the Nutcracker a few years back when it came to Parsons. That was a fun experience and she was WONDERFUL!)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You know you're a Lancer when...

In relation to Jeff Foxworthy's you know you are a redneck when...

You know you're a Southeast Lancer when you can do an entire load of laundry consisting of nothing but Lancer Blue! (light blue)

Oh, and have I mentioned that I am SICK AND TIRED OF DOING LAUNDRY?

Pittsburg State Football Game 11/1/08

Notice the Pitt State banana earrings? They are my favorite!

What a fun day!

I had never been to a Pitt State football game before, but believe me I will definitely go again! It was a girls day out! Tori, Aubrey, Megan, our wonderful friend Anna Thompson, and myself loaded up and went together to a ball game. (Brady was supposed to go with us, but stood us up at the last minute to go hunting with his father.)

While we weren't so much into the game aspect (not that it was even a good game...), we really enjoyed the social aspect of the game. Pittsburg State, for those of you that don't get the chance to frequent Pittsburg, put in a huge new jumbotron that they have dubbed the "Jungletron." They have a guy walking around with a tv camera and they often put fans cheering or what have you on the screen. (Have I mentioned that it is huge?) Well, Megan, Aubrey, and Anna would head down by the wall everytime they saw him coming in hopes of getting on the Jungletron. Everytime I saw the camera man heading their way I would get my camera out in hopes of getting a shot of the girls on screen. Well, Miss Megan finally made it on, and I got my shot! Too bad I don't have an awesome zoom camera...But, oh well, I think this one is pretty amazing. He was really close up on her face!

Not only did Megan wind up on the Jungletron, but later in the game Gus was throwing a football into the crowd playing catch with the fans and she happened to catch one of his passes. Too bad when she threw it back she beamed the lady in the front row in the shoulder! LOL It was funny! Gus ducked down and hid behind the wall and came up slowly like he was so guilty. It was a hoot!

Between all of the Megan fun, me screaming "loudly" when they set off the cannon after the National Anthem, and the joy of having fun Miss Anna with us, it was definitely a time of memories for all!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


WOW! Today was so much different for me. First of all, Cherokee schools do their Halloween celebrations totally different than I am used to! They have their Halloween parade first thing in the morning, followed by the parties. (I'm used to having them last thing in the afternoon.)

Secondly, my kids are getting so big that all but Megan ditched me tonight. Tori, Aubrey, and Brady all went with friends. So, Megan and I went together by ourselves. (Not that she was happy about that!)

I LOVE trick or treating in Cherokee! We only went down two streets and Megan had completely filled her pail. People here are so generous! :-)

When she had enough trick our treating we went to the Baptist Church in town for their Fall Harvest celebration. They had games for the kids. They even had an awesome hay maze in the street out front. Both girls wound up meeting up with us there.

After-a-while we got hungry and headed down to the local bar and grill to eat. It happened to be karaoke night. I was amazed by Miss Megan! She jumped right up there and sang a solo! Then, Tori and her friend were barely singing, so she jumped back up and took over their mike. Aubrey and her friend sang also and did a wonderful job. It was a great time had by ALL!

Tori dressed up as a boy...Aubrey dressed up as Kellie Pickler....Brady was Angus Young, guitarist for ACDC...and Megan was a black cat