Sunday, January 11, 2009

There goes my rest...Busy season begins!

Well, I have had a few weeks off from most of the kids activities. But, that all ends tomorrow.

This week Tori starts cheering for boys basketball. They have two games a week. Then, we try and make most of the high school games which adds another two games a week. Aubrey has dance on Mondays and Saturdays. Tori has dance on Saturdays. Megan & Brady have basketball on Saturdays. To top it all off this Saturday Brady is going to a baseball clinic at Pitt State.

Happy Times!

(When I was typing the title I typed Busty season begins!) I thought that was funny...


~Melissa Mullinax said...

Hey lady! Your blog came through on my counter. Good to see your blog! It's great! And thanks for the link!


Lou said...

I think you should have left "busty" in the title. LOL! I don't know how you keep up with everything and stay sane. least you keep up. haha.