Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Shopping


I had one of the BEST days I have had in a long time!!!!!

I picked up my friend, Debbie Thompson, at about 4:15 this morning. We headed to Wal-Mart in Pittsburg. It was funny, because there wasn't anything I couldn't live without if I didn't get it, but I still love the excitement of going so I drug myself out of bed. Of course Wal-Mart was the usual push shove atmosphere, but it was more fun this year, because I could step back and laugh at people who were running around with their "mean on." LOL I even got myself some new towels! (With a family of 6, towels are important!)

We then hit a few other places in Pittsburg and decided it was time to head to Joplin. We headed straight to Wal-Mart there and found some more stuff and different sizes of things that Pittsburg Wal-Mart had run out of. We went to several different places, and while the parking lots were full everywhere in Joplin I never felt as though there were many people and there was plenty of room to shop. (I hate it when things are so congested and crowded when you are trying to look at things. It takes the fun out of shopping.)

We ate at one of my favorites, Chic-Fil-A!!!!! I love that place.

I could not have asked for a better shopping partner than Debbie! She shops like do! Go through, find what you want, and go. We both have four children, so most of the places we went appealed to the masses! :-) Not once did I have someone pulling on me when I stopped to look at something that I wanted to look at and whining they wanted to go somewhere else, I didn't have to break up any fights, I didn't listen to any tattling, and there was no one sitting in the van because they refused to go into "that" store. I called Vic on my way home and told him it was such a wonderful day! I can honestly say that I have not had that much fun shopping since mom died, and for those of you that remember how much fun Mom and I had shopping, you know that is something quite special!

THANK YOU DEBBIE FOR A WONDERFUL DAY! (Oh, and I love your new purse!) :-)

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

Mary, the pleasure was all mine! I had the greatest time! Every part of the day was awesome and I LOVED Chic-Fil-A! And not to sound like your echo (and you probably won't be surprised), but I can easily say "ditto" to what you said about shopping with your mom. My mom was my best shopping partner, so to find someone who meshes with my shopping "style" like she did...well, I'm not surprised that person was you!! Til next year...!